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Career Opportunities

With an architecture degree, your career path can be easily determined — nearly half of all architecture majors have careers as architectures, but almost all architecture majors work in related fields, like design and construction. Within that, there are opportunities for specialties: urban design and planning, residential, commercial, hospitality, and more. You could also go on to work in engineering or as an educator or administrator in schools.

If you want to work in a field closely related to architecture, you should do your best to get an internship in college. Real world work experience is incredibly important when it comes to finding employment in this field, and an internship will help provide you with the experience you need to find full time employment after graduation.

Students have the opportunity to enhance their portfolios, resumes, and job application materials throughout the program. The School of Architecture and Design’s Fall Career Day facilitates direct networking with representatives from architectural firms both regionally and nationally. Job and internship opportunities are shared on the School of Architecture and Design Jobs Board for both students and alumni. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Career Services Office offers career guidance and support to further assist students.

Helpful Career Related Websites

National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)

The NCARB Handbook for Interns and Architects

American Institute of Architects (AIA) 

American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)

National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA)

National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)

Associate of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Toward an Evolution of Studio Culture

The Emerging Professional's Companion

ARCHCareers Blog

Common Areas of Employment

  • Construction firms
  • Interior design firms
  • Government departments
  • Landscaping
  • Universities and colleges
  • Businesses
  • Engineering firms
  • Consulting
  • Public sector employers

Common Career Opportunities

  • Architect
  • Architectural Journalist
  • Architectural Historian
  • Architectural Writer/Critic
  • Corporate Architect
  • Draftsperson
  • Professor
  • Public Architect
  • Specification Writer
  • University Architect
  • Building Researcher
  • Building Inspector
  • Building Contractor
  • Carpenter
  • Cartographer
  • Construction Manager
  • Construction Worker
  • Facilities Manager
  • General Labourer
  • Materials/Products Sales
  • Physical Plant Inspector
  • Architectural Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Illuminating Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Marine Architect
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Surveyor
  • Technical Illustrator
  • Urban Planner
  • Art Director
  • Creative Director
  • Fashion Designer
  • Furniture Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Illustrator
  • Industrial Designer
  • Interior Designer
  • Landscape Architect
  • Photographer
  • Set Designer
  • Banker
  • City Manager
  • Art School Design Teacher
  • Environmental Designer
  • Lawyer
  • Management Analyst
  • Real Estate Broker/Analyst
  • Real Estate Appraisers
  • School Plant Consultant
  • Writer, Technical Publications

Requirements to Become a Licensed Architect

  1. Earn a professional degree from a school accredited by the National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB). In the fall of 2014, The NAAB team conducted a comprehensive review of the program, ultimately extending our accreditation for the maximum full length accreditation term of eight years. View information about our accreditation here.
  2. Document and complete the hours requried by the Architecture Experience Program (AXP.)
  3. Pass the Architect Registration Examination (ARE). For more information on how to start your career in architecture, take a look at the websites listed below.

The Professional Practice sequence of courses includes ARCH 464 Construction Documentation, in the final semester of the undergraduate program, and ARCH 540 Architectural Practice, in the final semester of the Graduate program.  Both courses include the topic areas of AXP, ARE, and Career Development.  Links and/or postings to the AXP Guidelines and ARE Guidelines as well as sample resumes are found on both course Moodle sites.  Additionally, every spring semester, the School of Architecture and Design hosts a Career Fair where practitioners set up tables and meet with students informally for career development opportunities.  Our University Career Services Office helps facilitate this event and supports the efforts of our students to gain employment through resume and interview coaching as well as other resources.

Architect License Advisor

Need some guidance along the path to licensure? The School's architect licensing advisor, Dr. Robert McKinney, Professor can help you!

Licensing advisors are educators, who help students and alumni to pursue licensure. The advisor can provide candidates with their first glimpse into the licensure process, lending help and advice along the way. You can look to your advisors for insight into completing the AXP, passing the ARE, and meeting licensure and reciprocity requirements.

NAAB-accredited architecture programs and AIA state chapters are expected to have an appointed advisor. NCARB shares tools and training opportunities to ensure appointed advisors are ready to help candidates and architects understand our programs and their roles as advisors. Please contact Dr. Robert McKinney for questions and additional information at